Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hip Journey - Day 13

I wrote the below post on Tuesday, December 11. I deleted it later that night. After you read the post, I'll explain why I deleted it.

Dinner tonight is something to write about. My dad had been gone for a couple of days. He volunteers with the church on a feeding truck and it's closer to leave from his house than mine. My mother is stressed when he's here and even more stressed when he's not. Tonight he was very ornery. He wanted to know why my mother used so many plates, dishes, and utensils for meals? He said it was just more stuff for him to clean up. My mother puts every side dish and main dish in it's own serving bowl or plate. After dinner he wanted brownies and ice cream and said he'd show us how to serve it. He comes in with the brownie pan, ice cream, a scooper, a bowl, and a spoon. His plan: we'll each eat one at a time and reuse the bowl and spoon. Of course, my mother was not going to go along with this scheme.

I also got in trouble with my mother tonight because she brought up, for probably the tenth time, how my daughter is not studying properly among various other inadequacies. I couldn't help it. I laughed (out of frustration and aggravation). She knew exactly why. She knew that I was tired of her advice and meddling. Not much around our house mets her expectations and, believe me, I hear about it. Anyway, she didn't appreciate me laughing and said I'd hear no more from her! The atmosphere was tense for a few minutes, and I tried not to continue to laugh.

Now with that said, I feel much better. Oh, and anybody who knows my parents better not tell them about this blog!

Within a matter of minutes of publishing that post, my mother fell in our kitchen and fractured her shoulder and badly bruised her knee. It looked like she was going to need surgery, but the hospital finally sent her home later the next day with a soft cast on her leg and a brace on her arm and shoulder. My dad is now at their home taking care of her.

The next day, my brother left in the morning to take my daughter to school, but returned a few minutes later because he had a completely flat tire. It was pouring down rain.

As Christians we don't believe in karma, but it sure did seem like a lot of bad ju-ju to me!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes things just happen. Murphy's Law etc. I don't have my parents around anymore, but I am certain if I did they would still be parenting me and my choices and my way of parenting my own child. I dislike dishes so I liked your dad's idea. hehe. I'm sorry your mom fell and your brother had car problems. It is not bad ju ju, It is God trying to get our attention for somthing else. Now it is just a matter of figuring out what. Hey and your daughter probably is not studying enough, neither is my son, but guess what he's an adult now and it is all down to him and his choices, I will continue to love and nurture where I can and give help when asked, but I also have to let him fall flat on his fanny so he learns that Mom Is Right. :) One day our children will do to their children and the circle continues.