Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Internal Debate

I've been debating what to blog about next. I usually think about topics when I'm driving or in the shower. When I do get a moment to write, I think, Gee, that's not really very interesting or something like that. What I'm debating, though, is whether to be totally transparent and honest. Should I put myself out there? There is a risk. I might become vulnerable. You might get to know the "real" me and you might think less of me. I've got some ideas, but I'm not sure--I'll get back to you.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Powerful thoughts

I'm not sure why this happens, but, I'll think ... Wow, I haven't been sick in a long time. Then what happens in a day or two, I get sick! I was just thinking the other day that the low tire pressure monitor in my car had not come on since we bought it. What happens last night, the low tire pressure light comes on! I had also been thinking a few days ago about how great our new wireless Internet has been at the house--no outages or problems. What happens today, it's going off and on! Sometimes I'll be thinking about someone and they call! Why does this kind of stuff happen? Am I projecting these thoughts and my powerful brain waves alter my world?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Happened to Wi-Fi at Starbucks?

I'm a little put out. I went to Starbucks yesterday to kill some time while I waited for my daughter and brother to get out of the new Batman movie. I took in my laptop and thought I'd do some work, check e-mail, surf the Net. I sit down at a table, fire up, and attempt to connect to the Wi-Fi. It's not working. That's weird. I ask the Starbucks guy if a code is needed. He tells me that to connect to the Wi-Fi, I need to purchase a Starbucks card for at least $5 and then go to and register to get Internet access. I asked how long ago did this happen and he said about a week ago. He gives me no further instructions--he can't be bothered.

OK, fine, I'm not discouraged yet. I purchase a card. Then I realize a problem, I can't get on the Internet to register my card! Now I'm not happy. I close down my computer and sit there and watch the other customers, and fume.

Flash forward to tonight at home. I log on to to see about registering. Here's what it says, basically, about getting access to Wi-Fi: Purchase a Starbucks card. Register online where you will agree to sign up with AT&T Wi-Fi and receive spam e-mails at least five times a month as well as junk mail in your snail mailbox. For this wonderful benefit, you'll be given two hours free Wi-Fi access per day at participating Starbucks. To continue to get access to WiFi, you must use or reload your card at least once a month. Fooey on them! Forget it. It's not worth the trouble! Whatever braintrust at Starbucks came up with this idea should be fired!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Today we didn't go to church because Rebecca was sick. So through a series of clicks on various blogs and Web sites, I came across LifeChurch is based in Oklahoma, but offers an Internet worship service--complete with the ability to raise your hand, give an offering, or chat with the people on your row. I was a bit dubious, but hey, I logged in as anonymous and watched the service (really daring, I know). The senior pastor at LifeChurch is Craig Groeschel and he's a great speaker.

I watched part three of a four part series called "At the Movies." The message was woven around the movie, "The Bucket List." Very well done and I must say thought provoking. At the end of the message, there was an opportunity for people to be saved. You can indicate that by clicking on the "raise your hand button." Several people made a decision today to accept Christ as their personal savior. Awesome.

I'm still not quite sure what to think of this Internet church, but it's certainly thinking out of the box and if people are getting saved, why not?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mamma Mia!

That is if you love the music of ABBA. I also went to the see this movie because of stars Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, and Colin Firth, and of course, I love ABBA. I had no idea of the story except that it's about a mother and daughter who live on a Greek Isle and the daughter has never known who her father was. She's about to get married and after finding her mother's diary, reads about three possible men from her mother's past that could be her father. She invites all three, but they have no idea that either of the other two guys could be the father.

The biggest surprise was a solo by Pierce, James Bond, Brosnan. What a shock. I must say, he's not very good, but he sure tried hard!

Meryl Streep is terrific and wow, if I could only look like her when I'm her age. She's not a bad singer, either and she does a cannonball jump off a dock into the water.

The theater was packed, probably with about 20 women to every one male. Judging by the applause at the end, I think everyone enjoyed it. We sure did. There's a great singing and dancing scene at the end that's really cute.

It wasn't until later that I found out that Tom Hanks produced the movie. Another surprise was actress, Julie Walters, who plays Mrs. Weasley in the Harry Potter films. Who knew? Loved the movie. Great fun!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Still on Vacation

Space Needle

The Northwestern docked in the harbor in Seattle. Love the show, Deadliest Catch!

Hubby and me on deck before the cruise

Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska


Anyone who guessed that the picture below is Seattle, you're right. Karen was spot on with the pic being taken from the Space Needle.

We got back a week ago from a cruise to Alaska. It was great. So great in fact, that I'm having trouble assimilating back into real life.