Monday, June 9, 2008

Tea for 1

My favorite bought iced tea is Chick-fil-a, but McDonald's has a great price--$1. Hard to resist. Some people have to have their cup of coffee. I've got to have my iced tea with lemon to get my day started. McDonald's started offering $1 large sweet iced tea in a special styrofoam cup. If you ordered a large unsweet tea, it cost $1.47 (or whatever a large costs). Now, does that make sense? A $1 for sweet, but more for unsweet? What brainiac came up with that? Anyway, they've started offering all large drinks for $1, including Coke. Great, somebody's finally thinking. That's a good deal. But, yes, there is a but, the unsweet tea comes in a plastic cup. What? Could I just ask for one more favor: I WANT UNSWEET TEA IN THE STYROFOAM INSULATED CUP! I don't want the plastic cup dripping sweat on my desk! I'm hard to please, I know.


Karen said...

The restaurant we ate at tonight only serves unsweet tea! What is that about? Also ... they do not serve Coke products! I was like, "What? This is Atlanta!"

Unknown said...

that's outrageous! No sweet tea or Coke in the South?! What is Atlanta coming to?