silicone-skinned bust of King TutI used to always wear makeup. I felt like I didn't look good enough if I didn't have some on. But as I've aged and now have
blepharitis, I've had to change. You know, not wearing makeup has its advantages. Two I can think of right away are saving time getting ready in the morning and saving money. I think it takes some self confidence to walk out the door with no cosmetic enhancements. I think it might also be that as I get older, I don't care as much about what other people think.
I remember walking by a female colleague's office. She was reapplying powder, blush, and lipstick. She was preparing to go to a meeting. I NEVER think to do that! In fact, I don't carry any makeup in my purse.
Would you agree with Plautus when he says, "A woman without paint is like food without salt"? By the way, who started this makeup thing, anyway? Well, it was the
ancient Egyptians in the 4th century before Christ. Back then, even men wore eyeliner. From what I can tell, that's also making a comeback (guy-liner, that is.)
Chris Daughtry
For the record, I do not wear "guy-liner." I do have a friend, however, that went through a "metro" phase. He was a salesman and so had to look his best. The spray-on tan was a little orange but I guess it worked for him.
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