I was just contemplating if using similar sounding words in place of curse words is acceptable for Christians. One that comes to mind is "freakin." I've heard a pastor say this during a sermon. (He wasn't preaching in a church, but an arena if that makes a difference.) It just didn't seem right. I've also heard it from the mouths of several 20 & 30-something-year-old Christians. Here's the catch, I don't have a problem saying "sugar" or "shoot." Maybe I'm being a bit hypocritical. If sugar or shot is OK, why not freakin? Are we lowering our standards? Are we compromising our testimony? How about using slang words? What about the phrase, "That really sucks?" I just can't bring myself to say it. Maybe I'm being too conservative and I'm not hip for today's standards. What do you think?
Interesting food for thought! John and I cleaned up our act (as far as bad language goes) when our daughter was born, but never really gave "substitutes" much thought. I don't think I use substitute words very much because they sound so silly to me.
I don't think "sucks" is a substitute curse word, it just sounds harsh. I think sensitivity to that word is just a generational thing. That term wasn't used much when we were kids.
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