Saturday, July 26, 2008

Powerful thoughts

I'm not sure why this happens, but, I'll think ... Wow, I haven't been sick in a long time. Then what happens in a day or two, I get sick! I was just thinking the other day that the low tire pressure monitor in my car had not come on since we bought it. What happens last night, the low tire pressure light comes on! I had also been thinking a few days ago about how great our new wireless Internet has been at the house--no outages or problems. What happens today, it's going off and on! Sometimes I'll be thinking about someone and they call! Why does this kind of stuff happen? Am I projecting these thoughts and my powerful brain waves alter my world?


Karen said...

Are you thinking that I am leaving you a comment at this very moment?

Unknown said...

I miss you! Funny stuff!!!!!

Karen said...

SUSAN! I just read your comment. LOL!

Do you hear "Twilight Zone" music at your house? I can hear it here ... very faintly ... in the background ...

Or is that the theme song to "Jeopardy"?