Sunday, July 20, 2008

Today we didn't go to church because Rebecca was sick. So through a series of clicks on various blogs and Web sites, I came across LifeChurch is based in Oklahoma, but offers an Internet worship service--complete with the ability to raise your hand, give an offering, or chat with the people on your row. I was a bit dubious, but hey, I logged in as anonymous and watched the service (really daring, I know). The senior pastor at LifeChurch is Craig Groeschel and he's a great speaker.

I watched part three of a four part series called "At the Movies." The message was woven around the movie, "The Bucket List." Very well done and I must say thought provoking. At the end of the message, there was an opportunity for people to be saved. You can indicate that by clicking on the "raise your hand button." Several people made a decision today to accept Christ as their personal savior. Awesome.

I'm still not quite sure what to think of this Internet church, but it's certainly thinking out of the box and if people are getting saved, why not?


Anonymous said...

This sounds really great. I think I'll check it out.

Jason said...

Hey Susan!

I'm so glad to hear that you gave us who make use of the IC a chance! I'm sure your eyes were opened to the large number of people is reaching through the Internet Campus. Just for your interest, I'm from Cape Town, South Africa and have been a partner with for roughly around two years now, all thanks to the Internet Campus!

Be sure to pop in again soon!!!