I sport several spots where my dermatologist has cut, scrapped, sliced, or frozen an area that was cancerous or precancerous. I have a six inch scare on my back where a chunk was cut out that was melanoma. I blogged about it in a previous post. Now, whenever I go to see the doctor, I know I'm going to walk out of her office with a fresh wound of some sort. In my most recent visit, she froze a couple of spots on my face. Let me tell you, I'm no sissy when it comes to pain, but man, did that hurt! Below is a picture of what the area looked like after freezing it with liquid nitrogen. Basically, she takes this can with a nozzle (it looks similar to the air cans used to blow dust off your keyboard) and squirts the spot several times.

A little over a week later, it looks like this--just a little pink spot where it's still healing.

If you want to read more about skin cancer, go to www.skincancer.org.
Well, I know you are waiting if my rashes eased up with the new medication I used two weeks ago...hmm...It did help a little but it can't really win over the very hot weather so I still have lots of rashes until now...I also got some acne again...I think it's because I slept late these last weeks and I ate a lot of candies and pastries.According to some study (and my derma also told me this), there is a definite correlation to eating high sugar foods and acne..so, I'll try my best to lessen my intake of sugar spiked foods and see if my skin will improve...I think this is way better too coz I don't want to be diabetic when I get older (it runs in my family so I need to be extra careful)...
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