Sarah Palin's interview tonight with Charlie Gibson on ABC News proves her to be a woman ready to be Vice President of the United States. I loved when Charlie asked her if she had ever met a head of state? Here's what she said:
"I have not and I think if you go back in history and if you ask that question of many vice presidents, they may have the same answer that I just gave you. But, Charlie, again, we've got to remember what the desire is in this nation at this time. It is for no more politics as usual and somebody's big, fat resume maybe that shows decades and decades in that Washington establishment, where, yes, they've had opportunities to meet heads of state ... it has been overwhelming to me that confirmation of the message that Americans are getting sick and tired of that ... good old boy network that has been the Washington elite."
YOU GO GIRL! Here's a link to the video of the first interview.
What is really amazing to me is the scrutiny that this woman is under ... from the glasses that she wears to her makeup and suits, to how she styles her hair. People are clamoring to get her eye glasses. My gosh. A reporter mentioned in a news story that she has two Blackberries--watch, there will be a surge in sales of Blackberries. I just got one a couple of weeks ago, thank goodness I got mine!

She certainly has stirred this election up and I think she's getting inside Obama's head--for example, his comment the other day about pigs and lipstick. Big news! I don't think he was saying Sarah is a pig, I think he's been put off balance by her.
Sarah Palin was a brilliant choice for Vice President by McCain and I'm looking forward to the rest of the interviews with Charlie Gibson. This Presidential election is fantastic and exciting--thanks Sarah!
Yes it is getting exciting to watch unfold....I just wish Gibson would pose some of the same un-balanced questions he posed to Palin, to Obama. The way the liberal media scrutinizes Palin is unbelievable! It's like SHE is running for president. Granted, she may be president one day....but the same things they blast her on, like foreign policy and experience, Obama is far less qualified and he IS running for president. Yes, Palin has a little Executive experience....but Obama has NONE! The way they are scrutinizing her is like it's Obama against Palin for the presidency.It makes no sense.
They ought to pit her and the 'community organizer' in a face-to-face debate and let them go at it. -John
I think the choice of Sarah Palin was brilliant also. She is tough, determined, smart and has her morals in the right place. I love how her nomination let the wind out of Obama's sail. I look forward to seeing how she puts those media hounds to shame! Go McCain/Palin!!
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