My hip replacement surgery is scheduled for early December. I've already had the hip replaced once, 14 years ago, but the lining is deteriorating and needs to be replaced. Micro particles are dropping from the plastic liner and eating away at the bone, so I've got to get this done in the next few months. The surgeon says 14 years is good, but with newer technology, I should get even more years out of this new one. The other parts--the metal rod and socket joint appear to be stable, so he's just going to replace the liner. I'll still need to be in the hospital for three days and need four to six weeks to recuperate.
When I had my first hip replacement, I was in so much pain. The arthritis had destroyed the socket and the ball joint was rubbing against bone and starting to cause bone fragments. Right after I had it done, the relief was immediate. I had to go through physical therapy and some other inconveniences, but I've been able to live a healthy life that I otherwise would not have been able to do. If you're contemplating having your hip replaced, I'd say go ahead and get it done--it's worth it.
Hope it goes well and that your recovery is a quick one. :o)
To treat the painful arthritis of the knee, a leading cause of disability and hospitalizations- Hip replacement surgery is among the most successful procedures available today that has helped many people be they old or young. In the case of active people or young ones, they need another surgery to replace the worn out artificial hip joint after 15 or 20 years. Surgeons are constantly trying to improve hip replacement procedure with the use of two small incisions with minimal muscle dissection, which will help in quick recovery and better results.
Hope you get well soon and back to daily life.
To know more about the benefits of the hip replacement surgery visit the link below http://www.asiasmedicaltourism.com/category_story_1425.html
Thanks Sophia, information on http://www.asiasmedicaltourism.com was useful.
www.asiasmedicaltourism.com has information on knee replacment and other health care related subjects. going through them found more information on bariatric, plastic surgery etc.
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