I HATE flying ants and they're in my house! They're attracted to light, so as I'm typing this, there are about six on my screen! They twist and turn and circle around and around. They're not flying, but circling. They're crawling on the keyboard. They're getting on my arms -- yuk! I go to watch some TV at night, guess who else is there watching it? Yep, flying ants. A light is left on in the kitchen, guess who's scouring the counter top, that's right, flying ants. Gross! Where are these annoying rodents of the insect world coming from? My husband just sprayed bug killer all around the house. I don't remember these pests invading our home like this before. What are they doing during the day? Populating? In the spring, we usually get those tiny little ants that come marching in through a crack in a window and make a parade to our dog's food bowl. That's disgusting, too! I think the bug spray took care of them.
Oh my goodness--that would drive me crazy! We had an ant outbreak last summer, and it was awful! We'd never had that issue here before. I am thankful for the bug man and ant traps!
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