I ventured out today with my daughter behind the wheel to checkout the after-Christmas sales. (BTW, we made it there and back safely). We needed a new comforter for our bed and I thought the deals at Kohl's looked good, so that's where we went.
The crowds in the store weren't too bad--although, some shelves were bare. They had plenty of comforters--I guess most people were looking for clothes. When we went to check out, at first glance it looked good, then we noticed the roped-off area and the line that snaked around the store. Oh well, the sale was good so we waited in line. There were no carts, so we had to carry what we were buying (one king size comforter set, two blankets, a bed skirt, wash clothes, and underwear.) It's funny how things get so heavy just standing in line. Two registers were open when we got in line, then finally they added another cashier. Two ladies at one register must have been having a problem because they were at that register the whole time we were in line, so it was like having only two registers open. My packages were slipping the closer we got to the end of the line, but I was trying my best to hang on to them.
We looked at the shelves of little gadgets they had and other "stuff" that some people might be enticed to buy while standing in line. I looked over and saw these coasters on sale by Sarah Peyton. Sarah Peyton is selling things now?, I thought. I told my daughter to look at those coasters over there by Sarah Peyton. She said, "Who's Sarah Peyton?" To which I replied, "You know, the lady who ran for vice president." To which she said, "Mom, that was Sarah Palin!" I'm not sure why I'm sharing this, but boy did I feel like a dork!
Anyway, I almost made it to the register without dropping anything, but guess what fell? Yes, the underwear. The kind man behind us came to our rescue and scooped up the panties for us. What a gentleman!
Glad you got your panties. LOL! That's funny about Sarah Palin. haha!
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