Followed up with my hip doctor after having the CT scan the other day. He says there is a small erosion spot in the bone behind the socket joint. You can kind of make it out in the image below. It's a small black spot behind the socket at about the 10:00 position. When he operates, he'll inject some "fake" bone into the spot. From all appearances, the stem is solidly in place. He plans on replacing the cup liner and the ball joint. You can also see where the liner is wearing thin near the top.
I thought of these positives about having the surgery: I'll be off of work for at least a month, I'll get a handicap parking sticker, I won't have to do laundry for at least a couple of weeks, and this hip should last for another 20 years.

Great positives! Hope everything goes well with the surgery!
You left out the part about being waited on hand and foot and avoiding Christmastime mall crowds. Ah, the joys of online shopping.
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