I was really looking forward to this debate, but ended up falling asleep. I did get to see most of it, though. My hope was that Biden would slip up and say something really stupid or insulting--but he didn't. My prayer was that Palin wouldn't slip up or say something that would be dissected and regurgitated and played over and over. I don't think she did, but the press has a way of looking through every frame of the video to find any fault.
I know it's not just me because other people have commented on this too: Has Biden had plastic surgery? Maybe a little botox? Those eyes looked a little too slanted and pulled up. His teeth were extra white, too.

To me, he was Washington politics at it's best. He delivered what you'd expect from a seasoned
bureaucrat. Here's what I like about Palin--she's not! I think she's smart and I like what she says about making the Feds accountable. She's like the average American, except she's had more experience with government. She did much better facing Biden in the debate than biased Charlie Gibson or Katie Couric. My advice for Palin: try and cut back on using words and phrases like "betcha," "doggone," "heck of a lotta." BTW, did you notice at the end of the debate when their families came on stage, Biden's family, especially the young girls, wanted to meet Palin?
After the debate, I wonder what these two said to each other? I think he just wanted to stand real close to her!
I'm voting for McCain and Palin. I hope in the next Presidential debates that McCain just smokes Obama. The thought of Obama leading our country scares me, especially when it comes to dealing with foreign countries. Wake up people, he's got you snowed!
Doubt I'm 'smoked' - in fact I've paid more attention to this race than any previous. I've watched and read and sought to hear from each candidate's own mouth and not only from the media and the political spin machine. In the end I'm siding with Obama. I don't have faith in McCain and I don't see Palin as being anywhere close to ready for this scale. That being said I don't harbor illl will or feelings against those who feel differentely than me. This is an important election and people ought to have passion for who they believe in and are voting for. Courtesy goes a long way, though.
People say they are looking real close to the details if this election but are ignoring the important facts. Obama's political career started in the home of a domestic terrorist who lead the bombing on the Nations Capital. Obama's got so many shady affiliations it's not even funny. My husband and I have been doing the research of their backgrounds and I don't like what I've seen in Obama. He is all smoke and mirrors to divert you from the truth. McCain showed his leadership in picking Palin. And I know that thousands of Praying men and women are lifting her up in prayer. I want someone who speaks FOR the people, not just TO the people with no experience in putting their plan to action.
Obama stumbled upon the buzzword "change" and he has been using it ever since. The problem is that he never could or would define what that means for the American people. While Biden did behave himself during this debate, he has a history of being outspoken and downright obnoxious. Biden also said many things against Obama during the primary campaign. I find it hard to trust his switch now. Palin is a breath of fresh air. So maybe she doesn't know the name of every foreign leader on the planet. Who does? That is something she can learn. She's proven that she doesn't back down and she can face strong criticism with grace. In Alaska she cleaned corruption out of her own political party. I can't see Obama or Biden doing that. So am I voting for McCain/Palin this November? You betcha!
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