Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Time Lapse
Monday: I'm in the shower and suddenly panic. Am I supposed to leave at 7:00 or get to his house at 7:00? Oh no. I'm confused. I hurry, get dressed, apply no makeup and get out the door at 6:50 a.m. I'm thinking: "Hope he's not too made when I show up late." "Darn. I had to reset my cell phone and lost all my numbers." "This is not going to make a good impression on his wife." While driving over to his house, in the dark by the way and trying to read the directions, I realize ... I don't need to be there until 8:00. Whew. I'm not late. I have time to pull over at a gas station and enter his address into the navigation system.
Monday night: Make plans to meet at 7:45 in hotel lobby to leave for meeting. Set alarm for 6:00 on hotel alarm clock and cell phone as backup.
Tuesday morning: Cell phone alarm goes off. Good thing I had that as a backup since hotel alarm didn't go off. Wait a minute. Hotel clock says 5 a.m. Bugger. Cell phone clock didn't switch to central time--it's only 5 a.m. I get to sleep one more hour, except now I'm afraid I'll over sleep and don't end of going back to sleep.
Monday, October 27, 2008
To Tweet or Not to Tweet?
BlackBerry Lemon
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
Today I watched Rebecca and my brother, Keith, carve pumpkins. I watched because I couldn't very well carve and take pictures at the same time. The carving started outside, but it was chilly today in Georgia. So after the "guts" were removed, we moved inside. We tried toasting the seeds, but they didn't taste too good. Not sure what I did wrong. They smeared petroleum jelly inside the pumpkin hoping to preserve their work for a few more days. Don't their pumpkins look great?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Teen Scene

Last night I took my 14-year-old daughter and two of her friends to a concert at the Masquerade in Atlanta. Actually four bands were there: The Maine, Mayday Parade, All Time Low, and one other group I can't remember the name of. We bought the tickets weeks ago. An hour before we're supposed to leave we can't find the tickets. I thought my daughter had them, she thought I had them. We looked everywhere we usually stick things. I even went back to work to look in a bag that I sometimes put things in. Nope. Not there. Finally I called TicketMaster and because we had saved the e-mail receipt, they were able to put our names on the Will Call list. One catastrophe avoided.

Her friends arrive at the house and we take off for downtown Atlanta. We arrive and get in line to purchase a ticket because one of the girls didn't buy hers ahead of time. She's about 30 people from the end of the line and they yell, "The concert is sold out. No more tickets." Oh boy. I didn't drive three teen girls all the way downtown to turn around and go home. Besides, three out of four us had tickets. We make a plea to the ticket lady at Will Call. We gaze at her and the other fellow in the booth with angelic faces and they decide to sell us a ticket. Whew! Another catastrophe avoided.

I didn't see any kids drinking, but plenty were smoking. The club had lots of security on hand keeping the exits clear and everyone under control. There were also plenty of parents there waiting for their kids. We stay until the very end. The girls wanted autographs. They hang around for another hour or so and the band finally comes outside. They get the guys to sign their shirts. The girls are thrilled. We pull out of the parking lot after midnight. We arrive back home around 1:00 a.m. The girls can't hear and they can't speak, but they're feeling great. They loved it. I even got a thank you from my own daughter. They're already planning their next concert trip. Hopefully another parent will step up and take them.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
God at Work
It's Not Too Late
12 "Even now," declares the LORD,
"return to me with all your heart,
with fasting and weeping and mourning."
13 Rend your heart
and not your garments.
Return to the LORD your God,
for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
and he relents from sending calamity.
I've been away from God. But He never left me. The Holy Spirit, as quenched as He may be, was always there prodding me to make a change. At Catalyst this year, Craig Groeschel spoke and used these verses. They immediately spoke to me. The words, "return to me" rang true. He talked about Christians having lost "It"--that enthusiasm and love for the Lord that we had when we first came to know Him. I'm tired of being out of God's will. I love these verses, "Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love." It's amazing how God can use us even when we're far from Him. Imagine how much more He can do through us when we're close to Him. Thank you, Lord, I'm returning to You.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Too Tall for Short

Guys, I'm tellin' ya (Palin speak), this post is probably not gonna interest ya in the least. It might not interest some women either, but it's something I have to get off my chest. I'm 5' 4". Which translates to: too tall for misses short size pants and too short for regular misses. Which means that if I get pants in "short" I'm wearing high waters. If I get misses regular length, they've got to be hemmed. I can't hem worth a lick so that means I have to pay to get them hemmed. So the pants that were on sale for a good deal now aren't such a good deal because I have to pay another 10 bucks or so to get them hemmed. How did men get so lucky as to be able to get their pants with a waist and length size? Must have been a man who made this decision a few hundred years ago. Maybe he thought that since women stayed at home to raise the children, cook, and clean that, first, women would be wearing dresses, but they could hem their clothes themselves. Whoo, I feel much better now.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Calculate Fuel Costs

I saw this today and thought it might be pretty nifty. It's a fuel cost calculator from AAA. I have no idea how accurate it is, but it's worth a try. With AAA's calculator, you enter the city you're starting your trip in, the destination city, vehicle make, model, and year and it will calculate how many miles your trip is, how many gallons you'll use, and the cost for fuel. There's even a link to see how much gas is costing per gallon in your city. If you try it out, let me know how it works. Click here for the link.
Friday, October 3, 2008
My Thoughts on the VP Debate

I know it's not just me because other people have commented on this too: Has Biden had plastic surgery? Maybe a little botox? Those eyes looked a little too slanted and pulled up. His teeth were extra white, too.