That is if you love the music of ABBA. I also went to the see this movie because of stars Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, and Colin Firth, and of course, I love ABBA. I had no idea of the story except that it's about a mother and daughter who live on a Greek Isle and the daughter has never known who her father was. She's about to get married and after finding her mother's diary, reads about three possible men from her mother's past that could be her father. She invites all three, but they have no idea that either of the other two guys could be the father.

The biggest surprise was a solo by Pierce, James Bond, Brosnan. What a shock. I must say, he's not very good, but he sure tried hard!

Meryl Streep is terrific and wow, if I could only look like her when I'm her age. She's not a bad singer, either and she does a cannonball jump off a dock into the water.

The theater was packed, probably with about 20 women to every one male. Judging by the applause at the end, I think everyone enjoyed it. We sure did. There's a great singing and dancing scene at the end that's really cute.

It wasn't until later that I found out that Tom Hanks produced the movie. Another surprise was actress, Julie Walters, who plays Mrs. Weasley in the Harry Potter films. Who knew? Loved the movie. Great fun!
FUN! I saw the show when I lived in Charlotte! Great music.
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