We have a cafe at work where this lady provides home-cooked meals for our building. She's very good and from time to time, I go down for a bite. One of her best meals is fried chicken. I know, it's terrible for you, but it's sooooo good! This particular day, she was offering fried chicken. I couldn't resist. I ordered a breast/wing and a couple of sides to go with it. I went to the table where a bunch of ladies usually eat. They're so funny and fun to be around. Everyone was envious of my chicken and wishing that they had had the nerve to order it (we have a Weight Watchers program at work). We were joined by a couple of other ladies who usually don't eat with us--they were from HR, so we were all on our best behavior. We chatted, got caught up on each other's families, and got some good tips on health care spending accounts.
I finished my lunch with the exception of the wing. It's usually small and not worth the effort. We were sitting and talking and one of the ladies from HR asked if I was finished eating my chicken. I said yes and she asked if she could eat the wing. Mind you, this is the wing that is attached to the breast, not a separate piece. Normally, people you're not related to or married to don't ask to eat leftover food off of your plate. But hey, I wasn't going to eat it, she was willing to take a chance on my germs, so I gave her what was left of the chicken breast. She thought it was delicious and she ate another lady's wing.
I guess I'm writing about this because I thought it was pretty cool that this lady, who didn't really know me that well, had the guts to ask for my food scraps. It was kind of like a bonding moment. For some reason, it wasn't gross or irritating. Maybe it wasn't irritating because she waited until I was done to ask for it. Maybe another reason "we bonded" was because she was a chick from HR--HR who didn't care what anyone else thought. She wanted it. Asked for it. Ate it and enjoyed it.
Mmmmmmm ... fried chicken.
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