I don't know what the judges were drinking in their Coca-Cola cups, but they were wild tonight. Paula and Simon grabbing each other--and whatever else they were doing, AI cameras didn't show us. Kara putting her hands over Simon's mouth.
Judges Choice Songs:
Danny - "Dance Little Sister," by Terrence Trent Darby chosen by Paula. I've never heard the song. Danny did a good job singing, but to me, it was forgettable.
Kris - Kara and Randy chose "Apologize," by One Republic. Did an OK job. According to Paula he was off on one note. To me, also forgettable.
Adam - "One," by U2 chosen by Simon. There's something about Adam that is engaging. He really feels the music.
Contestant Choices:
Danny - "You Are So Beautiful," by Joe Cocker. Very moving and he really did the Gokey magic to it. Simon called it a "vocal masterclass."
Kris - "Hearless," by Kanye West. He took the song and made it his own. Redeemed himself after his first song.
Adam - "Cryin," by Aerosmith. I like Steven Tyler's version better. He did his usual scream with his tongue out. Of course, the judges loved him.
Who can say how America will vote. But, I'd love to see Danny and Kris as the final two.